Welcome to Destiny Church
Truth ✦ Identity ✦ Destiny
Every one of us is on a journey in this life. In our journey, we have choices we need to make every day. Of course, God gave us free will to make those choices. And the choices we make become seeds that are planted, which will bring forth either good or bad fruit. Throughout this journey, a Voice calls out, saying, "Come, follow Me." The call is not just to believe in Him but also to follow Him. Some have yet to respond to that call, and some have. To follow Him is to be His disciple, or in a term we better understand today, to be His apprentice.
At Destiny we desire to help people respond to that call and walk it out in their everyday life. That makes our mission simple. Our mission is threefold. It is to know God in a personal way, learn to walk with Jesus daily, and expand His kingdom on this earth by helping others become Jesus' followers.
Though this call is personal, as Jesus is saying, "YOU come, follow Me," it is a call we get to live out together as a church family, the way God designed it to be:
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer.
(Acts 2:42, New Living Translation)
The Contemporary English Version translated it this way: They spent their time learning from the apostles, and they were like family to each other. They also broke bread and prayed together.
You're welcome to come to visit us and see if this is where God is calling you to connect and grow together in a church family.

TRUTH should not just be learned but experienced! If we truly believe in God, then God wants us to experience Him personally. If we believe the Gospel (the Good News), then that Good News should impact every area of our lives. Also, if we believe in the Holy Spirit's presence & power, He desires for us to experience the reality of His presence & power.
"You are truly My disciples if you remain faithful to My teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:31-32 NLT). Jesus was not saying we would know truth only intellectually. It's His plan that we know it experientially as well.
True believers in Christ need to know their IDENTITY as a son or daughter of God, who is loved, valued, and accepted by their heavenly Father. As a new creation in Christ (1 Cor. 5:17), every believer has received a new identity in Christ. Unfortunately, many have yet to come to know and believe who they are in Christ. And many, if not most of us, have just scratched the surface of the incredible, vast inheritance available to and for us in Christ.
Of course, God desires for us to know who He truly is. That is foremost. But He also wants us to know who we are in Him.
All that God has provided for us in Christ (Eph. 1:3; 1 Pet. 2:3) has become available to us so that we might accomplish the DESTINY He has planned for each one of us.
God literally prepared beforehand (in advance), good works that He desired for us to walk in (Eph. 2:10). That means He has made available all that is necessary for us to accomplish them, whether that's being a public servant, or being a good spouse, a good parent, or a business owner. Although He never planned for us to accomplish them on our own, they were to be achieved with Him as we learned to walk with Him and rely upon Him.